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Counsel from the Saturday Morning Session
Counsel from the Saturday Afternoon Session
Counsel from the Priesthood Session
Counsel from the Sunday Morning Session
Counsel from the Saturday Morning Session
Counsel from the Saturday Afternoon Session
Counsel from the Priesthood Session
Elder Dallin H. Oaks:
* Remember that there are three methods of healing today: Medicine, Prayers, and Priesthood Blessings.
* As the world grows more calamitous, it will become essential that priesthood holders are prepared to use their priesthood power.
* Those performing blessings and those who are blessed shouldn’t “boast of these things before the world.”
* After receiving a blessing, you don’t need to ask for frequent subsequent blessings. The priesthood has already been used, now utilize the other important aspect of the blessing: your faith.
* Sometimes priesthood holders will know the will of the Lord in a blessing, other times they will know the mind of the Lord. Priesthood holders should always live in a way that they know the mind of the Lord.
* Remember in a blessing that if faith is present, the Lord’s will ALWAYS will be done, whether the words are spoken in the blessing or not.
* Remember also that the priesthood cannot cause an outcome contrary to the will of the Lord. Sometimes people aren’t healed during blessings, because that wasn’t the Lords’ will.
* Priesthood holders must always trust in God.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband – Presidency of the Seventy:
* The Lord needs EVERY young man to prepare and recommit to serving a mission.
* The most important thing you can be doing right now is proclaiming the gospel.
* Prepare now and live worthily.
* Missionaries need to know they are called of God. Not of man.
David L. Beck – YM General President:
* Start working on earning the new Duty to God award as soon as it becomes available to you.
* Take a journey through the scriptures to discover the magnificence of the Aaronic Priesthood. You’ll be amazed.
* Never think you are too young to do significant things with the priesthood.
* Your greatest priesthood duty is to strengthen and bless your family.
* Reach out to your friends who aren’t in the Church or have lost their way.
* Be a force for good in all circumstances you are placed in.
* Seek to be completely clean. * Respect every young woman. * Respect your parents. * Strive to become more like the Savior.
* There is an urgency for you to fulfill your duty to God—not just the award, but your actually duty.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:
* Parents: Don’t indulge your children’s every desire.
* Realize also that children aren’t the only ones who spoil easily.
* Be patient. That doesn’t mean be passive. Patience requires work.
* Realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you. Don’t seek gain at the expense of others, but be patient!
* Use patience in your priesthood service.
* Never give up on anyone, including yourself.
* Understand that your spiritual knowledge and understanding will come at the price of patience.
* Delay instant gratification. * Keep at hard things (patiently). * Hold back and resist anger. * Accept that which can’t be changed. * Be firm and steadfast in keeping the commandments all of the time, even when it’s hard.
* Sometimes we grow the most when we’re WAITING, not RECEIVING.
* You can continue in patience until you’re perfected.
President Henry B. Eyring:
* Think of Christ when you are performing priesthood service.
* Understand that the priesthood is an invitation for you to become like Christ.
* Learn your duty from the Lord, then act in diligence.
* When you get distracted from priesthood service, give yourself the following rally cry: “Remember Him!”
* Become what God wants you to become through your priesthood service.
* Pray to know the nature of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
* Pray to know what God wants you to do, and then promise that you will do it.
* Ask for help to do what God wants you to do, then thank Him.
President Thomas S. Monson:
* Priesthood holders: Keep in mind that you’ve attended one of the finest priesthood sessions of President Monson’s life.
* Young men: Prepare for your service as a missionary now.
* Study For the Strength of the Youth to help you become familiar with God’s standards.
* Utilize all of your resources (Church, seminary, parents, etc…)
* Date appropriately – quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Dress appropriately – quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Choose good friends – quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Treat everyone with kindness and dignity.
* Remember that honesty is always the best policy. Be honest with yourself, others, and God.
* Use appropriate language - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Read, listen to, and watch only things that are “virtuous, lovely, or of good report.”
* Avoid pornography at all costs - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Keep your temple (body) clean by obeying the Word of Wisdom - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Your music should be appropriate - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Keep yourself sexually pure - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Remember that prayer is the passport to spiritual power.
* You can always repent - quoted directly from FTSOY.
* Don’t put your eternal life at risk. Keep the commandments.
* Live in a way that you can “touch heaven” and be blessed.
Counsel from the Saturday Morning Session
Counsel from the Saturday Afternoon Session
The Tomb:
10 refrigerator biscuits
Clean Linen Cloth:
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon butter
Jesus' Body:
5 large marshmallows, cut in half
(You can use a whole marshmallow if you are using jumbo biscuits)
Melt butter. Mix cinnamon and sugar.
Cut marshmallows in half and roll in melted butter, then cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Pound each biscuit flat. Wrap the marshmallows in biscuit. Seal the edges of the biscuit being careful not to get sugar on edges of biscuit or it will not seal. Place on a greased cookie sheet or muffin tin and put in a 375 degree oven for 7-12 minutes (times will be different if using a jumbo biscuit) or until lightly browned. This can get a little messy.