Moroni 7:45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Elaine L. Jack, “Strengthened in Charity,” Ensign, Nov 1996, 91
Former General Relief Societ President 1990-1997
"Nothing will bring the Spirit of the Lord into your meetings, your homes, and your personal associations more quickly than showing kindness. “Charity … is kind” (1 Cor. 13:4). Kindness should be right at the top of everyone’s list of things to do. Write it down every day: “Be kind.” Kindness comes in many different packages. Be thoughtful to your neighbors. Be patient in a crowd. Be considerate of your children and your husband. Be honest with your sisters. Trust them and they will trust you. Go out and bring them into this grand circle of sisters we call Relief Society. As we increase our kindness, we add charity to our storehouse and we are strengthened."
I love her directions to - "Write it down every day: “Be kind.”" What a great reminder that would be if we truly put "Be kind" at the top of our daily to do list.
And then I love the blessings that we will receive if we are kind - we will have the blessing of the Spirit of the Lord where ever we are, we will have charity added to our storehouse, and we will be stregthened. What great blessings.
I love her directions to - "Write it down every day: “Be kind.”" What a great reminder that would be if we truly put "Be kind" at the top of our daily to do list.
And then I love the blessings that we will receive if we are kind - we will have the blessing of the Spirit of the Lord where ever we are, we will have charity added to our storehouse, and we will be stregthened. What great blessings.
I loved this message by Sister Jack. I also remember a talk that she gave where she suggested scheduling service into your week. After I heard that talk I picked a day of the week and then started thinking and praying for who might need my help. The service could be as simple as a phone call or note. I don't know if I helped anyone but giving that service helped me.
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