So I really enjoyed the Relief Society Meeting on Saturday. I felt the Spirit stronger than I have felt it in a long time. I really enjoyed all of the talks. I felt inspired to do better, to be more devoted to Relief Society, to make going to the temple a greater priority, and to have a greater compassion and love for all women. I enjoyed the words of all of the wonderful sisters of the General Relief Society Presidency but I particularly got a lot out of President Uchtdorf's message.
He talked about how many of us often feel inadequate, discouraged, and weary. But then he offered a solution -God's Happiness which is the Greatest Happiness. He shared two characteristics of God that we should strive to emulate that will bring greater happiness- God Creates and God is Compassionate.
I really liked when he talked about creating. This was a different approach to bring happiness than you typically hear. He said that to create brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. He explained what the word create meant by saying that it is is to bring into existence something that did not exist before (a garden, smiles/laughter, a beautiful space in your home, etc.)

I really liked this...he said to take normal opportunities and to turn them into something of beauty in the world around us and in the world within.
Our opportunities to create things and to create and nourish talents are endless. His talk made me ask this question - do I undervalue my abilities? Let us all take opportunities to create.
Then he moved on to talk about compassion. I just wanted to share one line that really made me think - The number of prayers we say are important but the number of prayers we answer may be more important.
Now we have General Conference coming up this weekend and I am excited to receive more guidance and direction. If you look on the left side of the blog there is a link to watch conference online.
To read the texts of the talks from the GRSM click here.
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