President Henry B. Eyring was named as First Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since February 3, 2008. Previously, he had served as Second Counselor in the First Presidency to President Gordon B. Hinckley since October 6, 2007. He was named to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 1 April, 1995, having previously served as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy since 3 October, 1992. (To read the remainder of his biography click on the link above.)

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The opening story of this article so perfectly depicts President Eyring's willingness and dedication in serving the Lord.

A few years after Henry Bennion Eyring became president of Ricks College (now Brigham Young University–Idaho), he was offered a high-paying, prestige-filled job in southern California.
“It sounds like a great opportunity,” President Spencer W. Kimball told him as Henry described the offer and its benefits. “If we ever needed you, we would know where you were.”
Henry had expected President Kimball, his uncle, to ask him to stay on at Ricks. Instead, it became obvious that Henry and his wife, Kathleen, were to pray and fast about their decision, which they did. Within a week, the Spirit whispered to Henry that he would have the privilege of staying at Ricks College “a little longer.”
He called Jeffrey R. Holland, then Commissioner of the Church Educational System, and told him that he had turned down the job offer. That evening Henry received a phone call from President Kimball.
“I understand you’ve decided to stay,” said President Kimball.
“Yes,” replied Henry.
“Do you think you’ve made a sacrifice?” asked President Kimball.
“No,” said Henry.
“That’s right!” President Kimball assured him. With that, President Kimball ended the conversation.
For those who know Henry B. Eyring, his willingness to follow spiritual promptings—even if doing so means giving up what the world considers important—comes as no surprise. He has learned for himself that faith and humility, coupled with obedience, qualify God’s children for blessings richer than worldly wealth.
Recent General Conference Addresses and Ensign Articles by President Eyring
October 2008
O Ye that Embark
Our Hearts Knit as One
April 2008
The True and Living Church
Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
Walk in the Light
January 2009 First Presidency Message
Let Us Raise Our Voice of Warning
Here is a video and text of one of my favorite talks of President Eyring - O Remember, Remember:
You may also enjoy reading this article: President Henry B. Eyring: A Legacy of Learning and Testimony
I hope that this will help us all to get to know the prophets and apostles a little better.
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