It reminded me of this picture by Mary Engelbreit and the perfect phrase suggesting that I, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"
I know that I am not the only one who has these kind of days or moments so what do you do when you are in a funk? What are some things you do to Snap Out of It? I am sure we all could glean something from each other's funny, silly, or even spiritual antidotes for a case of funkitis.
I have noticed that when i am sad, or in a funk, I pray. It never fails to make me feel better. also remembering your blessings and all the wonderful things we have been given :)
When I feel this way I call a friend or do something for someone else. I also remember the blessing that I have and it seems to brighten my mood. It truly works for me!
service!!! when i do soemthing for someone else, it makes all my troubles go away and i realize how good i have it!
Its time to take a break and just breathe. Find someone to serve, take a little trip and visit with family, just take the day off and just live. We all have days, have a wonderful day and weekend.
I clean house and bake. Doing something productive just makes me feel better. Oh, and making lists. I don't know why that makes me feel better, but it does.
Similar to Diane, I try to think of somebody worse off than me and do something for them. Usually I make dinner for someone just for the heck of it and take it over... a tired mom, someone who's really busy serving others, etc.
It just gives me a distraction from feeling sorry for myself.
What great thoughts you all are sharing. Just so you know, I am in the process of snapping out of it. :)
I figured everyone could relate to this post so I thought I would get all of your great feedback and it is great. I'm sure all of your words will help someone else along the way as well.
I love all of your spiritual thoughts about prayer, service, and counting blessings. I agree those things do help oodles. But to add the list of things that sometimes work for me, and this is on a totally different note, turning on the radio and dancing around a bit can do wonders. :0)
Can any of you relate? Or am I just weird? :) Do any of you have silly or fun pick-me-ups?
Thanks again for all of your thoughts...so far I've prayed, called a sister who is not active in our ward to wish her a happy birthday, read a conference talk, and now I am preparing a nursery lesson. So I've taken most of your words to heart. It seems to be working so far.
Also, Mrs. Mordecai I am a list lover too. I totally get it.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts.
I like to get outside. Whether it's sunny or rainy or whatever... getting in nature, taking a few breaths wakes me up inside.
I get on the treadmill and play really upbeat music. (I can SO relate with the music thing!)
Or I go for a drive by myself - again with the upbeat/louder-than-normal music.
Basically, I let my husband take control of the kids and do something that's just for me!
Which, now that I've read the other comments, sounds selfish. But usually when I'm in a funk, it's because I've been neglecting my own needs. Once I feel nourished, THEN I do all those other things - serving others and what-not. You can't give anything if there's nothing to give.
Oh, and I'm a list-maker, too!
Read! Write! Go around with the missonaries :)
Look at art you really like...take a walk in the park, spend time with little ones, and all the other wonderful suggestions people have given :D
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