Monday, October 25, 2010

Waiting For Two Marshmallows

I am going to openly admit a weakness here; I am NOT the most patient person. President Benson said, "Patience is composure under stress" and this is the greatest area of my impatience. When I am stressed or tired, as sad as it is, patience with loved ones seems to be the first thing to go.

I like a quote by Jacob de Jager which says, "Patience is learning to hide your impatience."

What have you found that helps you to "HIDE" your impatience (especially with your children)?

What have you done to not simply hide impatience but to truly gain greater patience?
What helps you to wait to receive the second marshmallow?


Dianna said...

I used to think I was patient until I had kids, and now I know I'm not! I especially get impatient with my four-year-old son, who wants to do things himself now, but never wants to do them at my speed. I try to step back and remind myself that all kids that age just move that slowly and that I will miss it when he's older. It's hard to do, though, because I'm always wanting to move right along.

Sometimes I also avoid situations where I tend to get impatient (taking him on a walk and letting him ride his bike is the worst). I guess I should practice doing that, and give myself a pep talk beforehand that it doesn't matter how fast we go!

Stephanie said...

Oooh, good quote! And so true. (And so hard.)