Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Finally Did It!

Yep, that's right I created my profile on  I am not quite done, I don't think. I think I will head back and answer a few more questions and add a few more stories, but it is there.  And yes, this means my identity will be revealed, well at least a picture.  Oooo, aaaaah!  I know, I know, not that big of a deal but I have been pretty private thus far.  This is a little weird for me.  So enjoy!  Now join me and create a profile of your own, you never know who it might help. 


LKP said...

congrats! have thought about creating mine, but am still hesitant. not sure why. just guarded is all. :) but good on ya! ::hugs::

Aimee said...

Hey dear! Sorry I haven't responded to you sooner... via blog comments... Sorry. I could have just sent you an e-mail. :) So I told the hair dresser to cut it short, with lots of layers, and the shortest layer up pretty high. If we're being totally honest Tangled was the inspiration. :) That may help in the explanation. haha. I hope you are doing great! Love ya.