The search engine is powered by google and all you have to do is use their page to "search the web and make a difference."
Here is an example from the site of how it works: "As little as 100 searches a month by you can generate $3.50 for charities that's $42.00 a year with just an average of 3 searches a day! Imagine if you have 10 friends doing the same, that's $420 a year and if they have 10 friends that's $4,200 a year and 1000 friends is $42,000 a year and 10,000 friends is $420,000 a year to charities and as little as $20 can put a child into grade school for a year, with a set of school clothes and school supplies! So tell your friends and family and start searching and let the giving begin!"
They also suggest to make it easier to remember to use this search engine to "BookMark Us and make SeekAndGive.com your Home Page and if you have a blog or website link to us."
There are three charities that have already been recommended but you can recommend specific charities that you would be interested in the money being donated to as well by visiting the Seek and Give Blog.
I think this is such a great idea and such a simple way to give by doing something we all do so often. I hope you'll give it a try and pass the information on to others you know.
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