With Mother's Day approaching I have been thinking of my amazing Mother. My Mom is indeed next to the angels. She is an angel. She is so incredibly selfless. She is so loving. She is so wise. She is so understanding. Her life has been solely dedicated to her family and to the Lord. She gives her all in both of these regards. I have never known her to give less than 100%. She is a great example to me of what a women and mother should be. I love her.
Along with thinking of my Mother I have been thinking of my role as a mother. I have a wonderful two year old boy and I have another equally as wonderful little one growing inside me. I am so blessed.
This last Sunday I was sick and had to stay home from church. I watched two hours of General Conference reruns none of which were about motherhood or womanhood but for some reason I was reminded so strongly of how blessed I am to be a mother and wife. As I rested on the couch I noticed the mess on the floor and rather than give me stress it brought me great joy. There were a few graham crackers broken up on the living room floor along with my little boys pajamas squished perfectly how they were when he stepped out of them. Do I realize the responsibility I have to raise the little boy that slept in those pajamas last night and who munched on a little bit of cracker and left it on the floor for later? Do I get it? Well in that moment I did. I got it. I got how important my role is. I forgot all of the tantrums and the spilled glasses of water. I realized that my role is divine, that it is next to divinity. I realized that God is entrusting me with these special children, His children, Children of God.
Now that day I got it and right now again (in tears), I think I am grasping it, but there will still be those days and those moments of spilled milk and those days and those moments of crying spells and I hope that I can always remember deep down in side that my role is divine and my children are my greatest blessing.
Let us take these words from President Hinckley and always remember our divine responsibility and our greatest blessing:
"Let every mother realize that she has no greater blessing than the children which have come to her as a gift from the Almighty; that she has no greater mission than to rear them in light and truth, and understanding and love; that she will have no greater happiness than to see them grow into young men and women who respect principles of virtue, who walk free from the stain of immorality and from the shame of delinquency. . . . I remind mothers everywhere of the sanctity of your calling. No other can adequately take your place. No responsibility is greater, no obligation more binding than that you rear in love and peace and integrity those whom you have brought into the world."
"Let every mother realize that she has no greater blessing than the children which have come to her as a gift from the Almighty; that she has no greater mission than to rear them in light and truth, and understanding and love; that she will have no greater happiness than to see them grow into young men and women who respect principles of virtue, who walk free from the stain of immorality and from the shame of delinquency. . . . I remind mothers everywhere of the sanctity of your calling. No other can adequately take your place. No responsibility is greater, no obligation more binding than that you rear in love and peace and integrity those whom you have brought into the world."
I hope we all can have a Happy Mother's Day as we remember our wonderful Mothers and as we remember the blessing it is to be mothers. I hope we will also remember on this day that we do not need to be perfect as long as we remember that our children are Children of God.
What a beautiful post and wonderful tribute to motherhood!!
Some days it IS tough to remember the divinity of our calling...
reminders like these are wonderful gifts.
Happy Mother's Day!
Awesome. Thanks.
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