“Young women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [1] do the young men you associate with know that you have a standard of excellence from which you will not depart? [2] Do they know by what you say and do that you honor and respect your parents and that [3] you follow the counsel of the leaders of the Church? [4] Do they know you will delay dating until after you are 16 because a prophet of the Lord has given that direction? [5] By your actions do they know that you have made up your mind to be good and that you will not weaken? [6] Can they look to your friendship to gain confidence and respect for themselves? [7] Will your language, your dress, your choice of entertainment, music, books, and movies help the young men who associate with you develop admiration and respect for womanhood? As young men are exposed to the world’s distorted role of womanhood, [8] can they see in you the refinement and sweetness that encourage an attitude of reverence, respect, and honor for that sacred calling?
“Strange that I had not realized before, but it is not as a young woman encourages a young man to go on a mission that her greatest influence is felt. Rather it is through her actions as she reveals her commitment and testimony to the gospel of Jesus Christ and gives evidence through her power and influence in the advancement of good” (“By the Way She Is,” p. 13; numbers added).
“Strange that I had not realized before, but it is not as a young woman encourages a young man to go on a mission that her greatest influence is felt. Rather it is through her actions as she reveals her commitment and testimony to the gospel of Jesus Christ and gives evidence through her power and influence in the advancement of good” (“By the Way She Is,” p. 13; numbers added).
What a great thought provoking quote to ponder ourselves and also to pass on to the young women in our lives.
As far as pondering ourselves, as grown women for certain. This counsel is invaluable as far as its necessity to be taught to our young women & daughters, but just as the quote teaches how they can most influence young men for righteousness, the same is true of how we can most influence THEM for righteousness! I had the opportunity to teach a lesson based on Elder Scott's talk from Priesthood Session, Nov '08...(I posted my lesson about a week ago)...and really what I felt most inspired to draw from his words is to evaluate MY role as a daughter of God in supporting my priesthood holders...it was right in keeping with Sister Kapp's guidance. We, as women, can make a HUGE impact and we must not take our positions lightly or misuse them. My family and I lived in Rexburg, ID for a few years, and each term it was VERY evident when it was Mother's Weekend...many of the honor code rules were violated or dismissed by mothers themselves...clear down to modesty! Our daughters learn it somewhere, and we can "tell" them what's right until we're blue in the face but unless our actions match our teachings they will be led astray (by our OWN examples!) Thanks for this post. I'm trying to be more conscientious of how my impact is felt. Have a great week!
This is a great quote. We are having major problems with standards for our girls (I am a YW advisor)--maybe I should share this quote. Thanks!
I'm glad you posted this. How powerful! I was struck reading this how much a mother can influence her sons as well by giving them an ideal of what women should be, what they should expect, and how they should treat them in return. What a responsibility it is to be a mom.
Thanks for all of your comments. It is so true that as women we all can have such a huge influence on the men and young men in our lives. It is true that a Mother's role is so important to both our sons and daughters.
Thanks for that reminder.
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