Although this statement by President Monson might make us chuckle, in reality it could lead to a scary ride on storm-tossed waves. Is your family prepared for the storms that lie ahead? Recently I have been reminded that we have much more to do to be ready for unforeseen storms that may lie ahead.
And I have had the thought that the more prepared we are physically the more prepared we will be spiritually. If we are prepared physically for the waves I believe we will more easily feel the Savior's power working in us to calm the storm and we will feel of God's love for us.
Elder Holland said, "It is not without a recognition of life’s tempests but fully and directly because of them that I testify of God’s love and the Savior’s power to calm the storm."
I'd love to hear tips, suggestions, and even questions that some of you have in regards to food storage, other emergency supplies, 72 hour kits, etc.
Here are some great resources to check out:
ok, we have 72 hr kits started...just not fully organized yet. we HAD some food storage, but recently started enduring a storm of our own and have had to use a bit of it. so my question is, is there a way to store away or supplement for another or greater storm or more aggressive stage of a current storm while IN a storm currently? i'm feeling overwhelmed. any ideas would be great, cause i don't want to become complacent thinking that this is it, this is my storm. i got a feeling this is either just the beginning or a pre-cursor storm before the big daddy rolls in. thanks in advance!
Thanks for your great question...I will be putting this in it's own post for more to read and answer so check back early next week to hopefully have some replys.
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