Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Serve with Me in June

A little bit back I wrote a post about the efforts to serve more with my children.  Here are the plans for this month so feel free to join right in:

1 - We are writing letters to or drawing pictures for those in our ward who are currently serving in the military.  The plan is to have the letters/pictures reach them by the 4th of July.

2 - We are doing a thing I decided to call "Chores for Cans". This means that our kids will be doing work around the house or other tasks (what your children do will be completely up to you).  You gotta love that right!  The idea is this:  Kids do chores (or whatever it is you need or want them to do) and they earn cans of food (really anything non-perishable works) to give to those who are in need.

It is up to each Mom to decide how often they want to give cans, what earns a can, etc.  You may choose to have them earn money and then go to the store to buy the cans with whatever was earned or you may choose to just give them an actual can and let them create a stack as the weeks go by. 
I love the idea that the cans are not just being given by each family but EARNED by each child.  Who knows you may see your kids asking for extra chores just so they can help out.
We are going to deliver the cans to our Bishop who will deliver it to some families in our ward who are in need. 

Please join right in and do this where you live or if you already have some Summer Service Plans we'd love to hear your ideas.

Happy Serving!

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