I watched this video tonight (link below) and at some points it made me chuckle, and others moments I could relate, and it also caused me to think about how I am doing as a visiting teacher. There are definitely some things I can work on. Watch the video and enjoy it's many exaggerated moments but also reflect on and examine how you are doing as a visiting (or home) teacher.
I love this quote by Gordon B. Hinckley about Home and Visiting Teaching. It really puts into perspective how important our efforts are and what a big responsibility it is to be a Visiting or Home teacher:

"I hope that home teachers and visiting teachers will experience two things: first, the challenge of the responsibility that is in their great calling, and second, the sweetness of results from their work, particularly with those among us who are less active. I hope that these teachers will get on their knees and pray for direction, and then go to work to bring these wandering prodigals back into the fold of the Church. If home and visiting teachers respond to this challenge, I honestly believe that they will taste the sweet and wonderful feeling which comes of being an instrument in the hands of the Lord in leading someone back into activity in His church and kingdom.
"I am making a plea for us to reach out to our brethren and sisters who have known the beauty and the wonder of this restored gospel for a brief season and then for some reason have left it.
"May all home teachers recognize that they have an inescapable responsibility to go into the homes of the people and teach them to live the gospel principles more faithfully, to see that there is no iniquity or backbiting or evil speaking, to build faith, to see that the families are getting along temporally. That is a very serious responsibility; it really is. But it is not a heavy burden—it just takes a little more faith. It is worthy of our very best effort." (Instruments of the Lord," Ensign, March 1997.)
I hope that we all will determine to be better Home and Visiting Teachers - that we will recognize the serious responsibility that it is and it give our very best effort.
To read more about visiting teaching you can go to this link--->Visiting Teaching.
Paige, I am seriously, seriously impressed by this blog. I got a comment from you a while back on my blog, but I hadn't had a chance to REALLY look at this blog. It's wonderful. What a wonderful missionary tool. Do you have a family blog anywhere? I just added this blog to my sidebar of family and friends, if you have another I will add that too. Lots of love!!!... Ashlee
I won't go into my own gory confessional, but I really NEEDED this post to give me a push in the right direction. Thank you.
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