“This is the season of opportunity for families to stand tall and be counted among the faithful who obey the fourth great commandment: ‘Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.’ ” Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop
That is what this great article titled, "Sunday Stations", by Marci Cole, is all about, keeping the sabbath day holy. When I read this story in the Friend I thought it was such a great idea.
Sometimes I think some of us can fall into the habit of making a list of don'ts for the sabbath day but might forget to spend our time doing great and very sabbath appropriate things.
That is what this great article titled, "Sunday Stations", by Marci Cole, is all about, keeping the sabbath day holy. When I read this story in the Friend I thought it was such a great idea.
Sometimes I think some of us can fall into the habit of making a list of don'ts for the sabbath day but might forget to spend our time doing great and very sabbath appropriate things.
My little family tends to spend a lot of time together on Sundays but often we are merely lounging around rather than engaging in wonderful, uplifting activities like those that can be found in this article. If you haven't read it yet, whether you have children or not, it is a must read. I think we all could find something worthwhile that works for us individually or for our whole family.
The activities that they had in their Sunday Stations were working on Faith in God or Duty to God, sending an email to someone they loved, calling a grandparent on the phone, reading a scripture story, and reading a story from the Friend. But these are only a few of the many wonderful things we and our children could engage in on Sundays as part of our own versions of Sunday Stations or whatever else works for our families.
There are other simple things like writing in a journal, writing a letter to a missionary or to someone in the military, watching a church movie (short movies can be found on the Church's YouTube page - Mormon Messages), singing or listening to Hymn's or Children's songs, and of course there are many other great things we can engage in.
I never realized what great resources were online on the Friend page. You can color online while listening to a nice song, play games like putting puzzles together of gospel art, listen to or read stories from the Friend, and much more. Check it out!
Well, now with all of that said I would love to hear how you make your Sunday's interesting, engaging, and uplifting each and every week.
Wow, I didn't know they had so much online for the Friend. Thanks for sharing.
You always know what I need. I been thinking I need to make our sundays better, and this is a good refresher/reminder of what we need, I plan on giving a FHE lesson to remind the kids; cause I think they are slowly forgetting and being a little to loud. Thanks for the little helps and reminders that we all need.
This is kind of lame tip, but I try to minimize Sunday cooking stress by always putting lunch in the crockpot before we leave, and we also have a Sunday tradition of breakfast-for-dinner. Pancakes is so easy to whip up. Then there's more time for other family things the rest of the day.
Thanks for all of your comments and Steph that wasn't a lame tip. I think a lot of us fall into the big Sunday dinner category. We tend to vary each week at our house but maybe I will be more conscious of that now. Smart idea.
Great article. I'm spend this week putting things together for next Sunday.
Thanks for all of the comments I need to get working on this now. Sometimes I write about things that fire me up and get me excited and somewhere from the computer to my living room the idea gets lost. I'd love to hear what is working for all of you.
So we were on the same wavelength, only I'm a year and a half behind you. And my youngest is 12, so I'm really behind you. Yeah, it's time to concentrate on the "can do" all the way around. Now I'm going to look at some more of your blog.
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