So recently I posted about my desire to do better at family scripture study especially in involving our toddler and making it more engaging for him. So we have started on our journey. Some of my ideas have changed since that last post but I am really liking it so far.
We decided to use the Book of Mormon Primary Manual as our reading guide, mostly just to get the main stories and suggested verses and chapters. However, one lesson from the manual could end up being anywhere from 1-7 days worth of family scripture study. We have determined to keep the number of verses small so we tend to read around 4-5 verses a day and do a small activity with it.
For example, this week although not from this manual, we have been talking about Joseph Smith, the Gold Plates, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. This will end up taking us 7 days but has been really good. Today we are going to dig up the Golden Plates (felt tied together with yarn which only took about 10 minutes) in our backyard, underneath a rock. It should be fun. I hope I can stay this enthusiastic and excited about creating fun activities like this. I tend to jump on and then die down.
Here is a brief rundown of our week:
Sunday - The First Vision JSH 1:15-20 - used pictures from Gospel Art Kit and colored a picture of the first vision.
Monday - Angel Moroni JSH 1:30, 32-34 - we used a felt board set that we have.
Tuesday - The Gold Plates JSH 1:50-54 - we sang "The Golden Plates" 86b from the Children's Songbook and used the felt board again.
Wednesday - Getting the Plates and Translating them JSH 1:59, 66-67 - we are going to dig up the plates as I mentioned above
Thursday - Testimony of 3 & 8 witnesses then talk about how we are thankful that we have handled, seen, read, and know of the Book of Mormon.
Friday - Portion of the Intro the the Book of Mormon - Define testimony and write/color a one line testimony of the Book of Mormon on the gold plates we dug up on Wed. Testimony starter will be "I know the Book of Mormon...." and we will finish it in our personal plates.
Saturday - Book of Mormon teaches of Christ - I haven't determined exactly which verses we will read but they will be chosen from the selected verses on this page, we will use pictures from the Gospel Art Kit and then we will color the book provided.
You may think that this planning took a long time but I have switched my personal reading so that I can read a long with what we are doing as a family. I planned this whole week in probably a 20-30 minute personal scripture study.
Scripture Power Poster
We decided to use the Book of Mormon Primary Manual as our reading guide, mostly just to get the main stories and suggested verses and chapters. However, one lesson from the manual could end up being anywhere from 1-7 days worth of family scripture study. We have determined to keep the number of verses small so we tend to read around 4-5 verses a day and do a small activity with it.
For example, this week although not from this manual, we have been talking about Joseph Smith, the Gold Plates, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. This will end up taking us 7 days but has been really good. Today we are going to dig up the Golden Plates (felt tied together with yarn which only took about 10 minutes) in our backyard, underneath a rock. It should be fun. I hope I can stay this enthusiastic and excited about creating fun activities like this. I tend to jump on and then die down.
Here is a brief rundown of our week:
Sunday - The First Vision JSH 1:15-20 - used pictures from Gospel Art Kit and colored a picture of the first vision.
Monday - Angel Moroni JSH 1:30, 32-34 - we used a felt board set that we have.
Tuesday - The Gold Plates JSH 1:50-54 - we sang "The Golden Plates" 86b from the Children's Songbook and used the felt board again.
Wednesday - Getting the Plates and Translating them JSH 1:59, 66-67 - we are going to dig up the plates as I mentioned above
Thursday - Testimony of 3 & 8 witnesses then talk about how we are thankful that we have handled, seen, read, and know of the Book of Mormon.
Friday - Portion of the Intro the the Book of Mormon - Define testimony and write/color a one line testimony of the Book of Mormon on the gold plates we dug up on Wed. Testimony starter will be "I know the Book of Mormon...." and we will finish it in our personal plates.
Saturday - Book of Mormon teaches of Christ - I haven't determined exactly which verses we will read but they will be chosen from the selected verses on this page, we will use pictures from the Gospel Art Kit and then we will color the book provided.
You may think that this planning took a long time but I have switched my personal reading so that I can read a long with what we are doing as a family. I planned this whole week in probably a 20-30 minute personal scripture study.
Scripture Power Poster
I also made this poster that has our scripture reading chart in it and then we will rotate other things in and out as our scripture stories change. It is down on our sons level and I catch him pointing to things on it frequently. Here is what it looks like right now:
Another help that I created was this little chart that has the scriptures for that story that I need to read and break down into smaller daily segments as well as the story chapter in the Book of Mormon Reader, song page numbers in the Children's Songbook, Scripture Mastery Scriptures, the number of the picture in the Gospel Art Kit, and if we have a felt set for it. This will make it easy to know what options I have to use for that story.

I hope that something in here will be helpful to some of you. I know that I am super excited to continue. It has been fun so far and very rewarding. If any of you have ideas, suggestions, or questions I'd love for you to leave a comment.
Being prepared like this is definitely the key to being successful at family scripture study! I love the poster you made. Visual reminders are great.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great tips! I love using the Primary manuals too. I even use them for things I do with the young women!
You had also left a comment about breaking the pacifier habit and how will I manage my son asking me about it all the time. Well it has been several weeks now and he seems to have forgotten about it. The first few days he only asked for it a handful of times and I would tell him that we don't have it any more and that he is a big boy and doesn't need it. That seemed to be enough for him. I thought for sure he would throw a tantrum, but we had no such problems. I wish you luck at saying good bye to the pacifier.
Wow - can I come to your house and you can give me the tour of your family scripture study in detail? Really. That looks great!!! I have alot of questions.
These are outstanding suggestions. Thank you so much.
Kathryn Skaggs
Hey, I just figured out who you are. This is Kristen from your ward. The new nursery manual rocks. We use it for family nights too. Thanks for the ideas.
Thanks for the great ideas! This and the next post on young children will be helpful for my family's scripture study.
A resource for improving personal scripture study can be found at http://studyyourscriptures.com
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