So I had a really interesting and neat experience this morning and I couldn't wait to post about it. I am the Compassionate Service Leader in my ward and therefore I set up a lot meals for people. A sister who lives in our ward boundaries but has been inactive for quite some time has been the most recent recipient of meals. She just had her 4th child. She has not had this close of contact with the LDS church in quite some time (however her Mom, who is an active member, lives with her) so I wanted things to go well. So there is a little bit of background for you.
So yesterday afternoon I gave her Mom a call to make sure the meals had been coming in okay. Sure enough everything had been going great, which I was glad to hear. Then later on in the evening my husband and I had a meeting to attend and were gone for several hours. When we returned home I checked the messages on my phone and found out that the meal for that night did not make it to this family. The sister who I had asked to bring them a meal got stranded at a copy store because she locked her keys in the car. It ended up being a big ordeal, she got home late, the meal was not delivered, and the family was not contacted.
I felt absolutely sick about it. I was sure the family had sat around wondering when the meal would arrive, with children hungry and ready to eat, with a Mom and her new born baby - the situation played out in my head and I felt really bad. It was about 9:30 or so when I received the message so there was not a whole lot I could do at that point. I decided I would call the next day (which is today) and apologize for the whole situation.
So this brings us to just about an hour ago. I dialed there number a little nervous about how to approach the situation. When she answered I started to apologize that a meal didn't come in last night. She quickly stopped me and told me that they had received a meal. I was shocked. I asked who it was who brought the meal but she didn't know her name. She said they brought it early in the afternoon and it worked out great. I still do not know if I accidently scheduled two meals for this night (unknowingly for this purpose) or if a very in-tune sister brought a meal over that afternoon but I do know that it was a miracle - it was the hand of the Lord at work. The mother of this sister said that having sisters from the ward bring in meals has been really good for her daughter. I am grateful for this miracle and for the blessing it was to have things work out so well for this family. The hand of the Lord is really in all things and small miracles surround us each day.
This is such an amazing story! I was excited as I was reading it cause I was thinking "Oh I bet someone DID get her a meal!" LOL! That's so great. Sorry you had to suffer over it though.
I really love the way you write. If you're ever interested in contributing to Modern Molly Mormon, send me an email!
IT WASN'T ME!!!! ha ha ha! That is really great!!
what a wonderful story!
It reminds me of the song "Sisters in Zion"
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