We must be so careful with our thoughts because they can have a great effect not only on ourselves but on those that are around us. We must be kind to others in our thoughts. We must be moral in our thoughts. We must be clean in our thoughts. We must be positive in our thoughts. We must be smart in our thoughts. We must watch our thoughts.
Mosiah 4:30 says, But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith...ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.
When looking up the word 'watch' in the dictionary it brings to light what it truly means to watch your thoughts. When you read the definitions below think about how you could better watch your thoughts:
- to be alertly on the lookout
- to be careful or cautious
- to keep awake, for a purpose
- remain vigilant, as for protection or safekeeping
- to keep guard

Eric caught me reading your blog. I couldn't help but tell him how impressed I am with your understanding and knowledge of gospel topics and what a genuinely good person you are. In my amazement of how great you are Eric commented that some people are blessed with the gift of the Spirit to teach words of wisdom. Thank you again for doing this blog. I really enjoy reading it and learn alot too.
I just read the post on family scripture study. Something we are trying is each week we pick a scripture mastery scripture. Each day for that week we read the scripture aloud before we eat breakfast. I have been so amazed that by the end of the week we all (including Eliza) have it memorized. I notice her saying parts of it during her day. Just another idea. Thank you for yours - we need to be doing a lot more.
You're too nice Lori, but you made my day!
I really like the video by President Packer. Thanks for posting it!
Thank you for posting the MORMONAD pics! I did a search on google for some on worthy thoughts for a YW lesson I am teaching on Sunday and found your blog! I am printing them out.
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