I am sure we have all witnessed and been engaged in moments where we or other individuals were not peacemakers but were instead contention or conflict-makers. I think that to become a peacemaker is very highly associated with our self-control. Can we control our tongue when we see an opportunity for teasing or for pulling another down.? Can we have a good attitude despite being in an unfavorable situation or during a stressful time? Can we manage to be patient amongst our fast paced world and selfish agendas?
I remember times when I was younger when a younger sibling wanted to play with my friends and I and I wouldn't allow it. I remember times when I or other siblings ran to the bathroom in tears. I can think of more recent times when arguments have arised and both sides have been trying to get their points across rather than listening to the others point-of-view or concerns.
We all have experienced moments like this and so I chose the topic of Becoming Peacemakers. Enjoy the talk below on this much needed becoming characteristic.
Franklin D. Richards, “Be a Peacemaker,” Ensign, Nov 1983, 57
Click on the title to read the whole talk.
Click on the title to read the whole talk.

"It seems to me the most pressing need in the world today is peace—not only among nations, but also within families and in our social and business relationships.
Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace (see Isa. 9:6), and his message is a message of peace to the individual and to the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan of life that will restore peace to the world, remove inner tensions and troubles, and bring happiness to the human soul. It is the greatest philosophy of life ever given to man.
A mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to establish this peace and happiness in the hearts and homes of the people.
Have you ever wondered how you could be a peacemaker?
An interesting example that I was closely associated with and which I have referred to previously was one in which several young adults became peacemakers in their homes.
A very wise bishop called several young people into his office and said to them: “I would like you to help me in an experiment. I would like to prove the impact and influence of one member on the spirit of the family. For one month, I would like each of you to be the peacemaker in your home. Don’t say anything about this to your family, but be thoughtful, kind, and considerate. Be an example. Where there is quarreling or bickering among members of your family, do whatever you can to overcome these faults by creating an atmosphere of love, harmony, and helpfulness.
“When you are irritated—and irritations arise in almost every family—control yourself and help the others to control themselves. I would like to see every home in our ward be ‘a bit of heaven on earth.’ At the end of the month, I would like you to meet with me again and report.”
It was a challenge for these young people, and they met the challenge in a wonderful way... I can promise you as you try this experiment and become a peacemaker in your home that the rewards will be most gratifying."
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