I thought I would share this talk since most of us probably didn't get to hear it in the YW conference. It is a wonderul message. This will be my last official scheduled post - read the bolded text on the left side of the blog for more details.

First Counselor in the First Presidency
"You are remarkable, even among those who chose right in the contest in the spirit world. You qualified to come into mortality and to make this journey at a time when the gospel of Jesus Christ was on the earth. And among the billions of Heavenly Father's children now living, you were privileged to find the gospel of Jesus Christ and His true Church. "
I think sometimes I lose sight of how blessed I am to be born into mortality in the circumstances that I am in. As members of the Church we truly are so blessed to have the Gospel on the earth at this time and to have it in our lives.
"You make choices every day and almost every hour that keep you walking in the light or moving away toward darkness. Some of the most important choices are about what you set your heart upon.
There are so many things you may consider desirable. For instance, all of us want, to some degree, the approval of other people. All of us feel a need for friends. All of us are searching for some evidence that we are persons of worth. We make choices based on those desires. Some might lead us away from the light God offers us as a guide. Some may brighten that light by which we can find our way."
I have always really liked the phrase in the scriptures about our hearts being set upon something such as riches. Each day our heart might be set on something different. Is it set on riches? Is it set on being better than others? Or if we checked our hearts would we find it set on the foundation of Christ?
What a wonderful message from President Eyring. To read the whole talk click on the title at the top of the post.
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